Emailing Childline

Writing an email can be a great way to let your feelings out, take your time and ask for advice. You can email a Childline counsellor any time.

On Wednesday 29 May, between 2:00am – 7:30am, 1-2-1 chats and PIBs won’t be available whilst we do some important maintenance to our systems. 

You can still use the website and contact Childline on 0800 1111

If you’re in danger or it’s an emergency, you should always call 999

You can email a Childline counsellor any time by signing up for an account. You won’t need an email address and you’ll get a reply within a day.

Childline is here to talk about anything you want and you can say as much or as little as you want to.

Not sure where to start? Why not try writing:

  • a little about yourself, like your name and how old you are
  • what’s happened, or whether there’s something on your mind
  • how you’ve been feeling
  • whether anyone’s been helping you or not
  • anything you’re worried about or any questions you have about us.

Childline is confidential, you can find out more about what that means here.